
Premier Exporter of California Wine to China and Asia

Why choose Liu? Because Liu Wine has earned its expertise. Utilizing the knowledge gained from many years’ personal relationships with wine distributors, restaurants, hotels and consumers in Asia—particularly in China—as well as over 12 years’ experience selling wine and satisfying clients through wholesale and retails sales in both Asian and American markets, Liu Wine provides full services and consulting assistance in exporting California wines to China and greater Asia: in fact, Liu now claims a leadership position in the export and import of wine between these areas.

If you are interested in exploring the growing market for your California wine in China or greater Asia, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can give step-by-step assistance, ensuring successful sales of your wines, and of establishing your brand in China and greater Asia.

欢迎选择加州葡萄酒!如果您有兴趣出口加州纳帕谷或其他法定产区的葡萄酒到中国及其他亚洲国家, 请 联系我们